Saturday 23 June 2012

Attempt for 22nd/23rd June cancelled!

I have decided to cancel this weekend's attempt due to the weather. The persistant rain over the last 24 hours and the prospect of that rain continuing through the day today and well into this evening has made that decision quite easy really.

Many parts of the round will by now be saturated if not in flood,particulaly the river crossing and there are reports from Wasdale Head of flooding there too. I am fully aware of just how tough a Bob Graham Round is likely to be, I want to run it where possible not wade through it! Losing time on those saturated or flooded areas may just make things more difficult than they need to be.

It's not just me out there either, Dallam have provided a big team turnout and I'm sure we all want a good day out, that is'nt going to be this weekend.

Thank's to everyone involved for giving up your weekends, cancelling now still gives the rest of Saturday & Sunday. Training runs again & cakes into the freezer!

Future date to be decided.

Onwards & Upwards


  1. Hi Dave,

    Sorry to read about your cancellation. For what it's worth, I was suppose to be supporting someone that weekend and am certain that you made the correct decision.

    If you fancy getting some training in and providing ancillary support then I'm setting off at 7pm on 20th July for a clockwise round on a 22 hour schedule. You would be very welcome to tag along.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hi Simon,
      thanks for the invite and sorry I have not replied sooner. I did reply by email but have just realised my message had not been sent.
      Anyway, I would like to join you for a bit of a run out on the 20th, I do have commitments from lunch time onwards on the Saturday, it's the Warton Fell Race which our Club organise but could join you over leg's 1 & 2 perhaps? I know my way over both but would not want to be responsible for navigating someone's round, carry your kit though for you though, no problem. Let me know what your thoughts are, if you have enough support just say so, it's your day!
