Tuesday 28 August 2012

Training stats for my completion of The Bob Graham Round.

December 2011
108.57 miles    16,487 feet of ascent

January 2012
169.49 miles    23,363 feet

130.61 miles    18,434 feet

192.81 miles    44,176 feet

181.59 miles    31,447 feet

206.75 miles    54,457 feet

99.86 miles    18,541 feet

103.11 miles    25,165 feet

70.77 miles    11,692 feet

Total miles 1,263.56   Total ascent 243,762 feet

Average 34.15 miles per week, 6,588 feet per week.

Best week, 19th May - 25th May, 74.5 miles, 22,366 feet

Sunday 19 August 2012

Ready for the off, again!

"Ready for the off", seem to remember saying that two months ago just prior to the heaviest summer rainfall of 2012!

No such problems this time, going rain or shine and looking forward to seeing the 'dream team' along the way. Noah building an arc in the Caldew won't be stopping this attempt so bring your leggings.

I can't do any more, i'm either 'fit enough' or i'm not it's as simple as that. Thank's to all of you in anticipation, see you in Keswick!!